Licensing Enquiry Form You’d like to license a seamless surface pattern design from me? Great! Please fill out this form below as thoroughly as possible, this will help me with your enquiry. I look forward to hearing from you! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastBusiness Name *What is the name of the business you would like to license the design for?Email *What is the best email to reach you on?Message *Please provide as much detail as possible about your project. Any info you provide will be treated in-confidence. If you know which design(s) you'd like to license, please include link(s) here.License PreferenceNon-Exclusive (available to everyone)Non-Exclusive (available to everyone)Industry-Exclusive (exclusive yours in ONE category)Exclusive (exclusive yours in certain territory)Pricing for all optionsI'm not sure what I need, yetWhich type of license do you need?Length of License1 Year1 Year2 Years3 YearsI'm not sure, yetHow Long would you like to license the design for?TerritoryWhere do you sell your product & where do you ship to?Category & Product you want to make?Styles/Products or SKU'SHow many Styles/Products or SKU's do you want to use an artwork on?Unit'sUnder 150 units per style150-300 units per style300-500 units per style500-1000 units per style1000-3000 units per style3000-5000 units per style5000 & more units per styleDon't Know YetHow many units do you make per product/Style?Website, Instagram or FacebookPlease provide a link to your BUSINESS website, Instagram or Facebook accounts.CommentSUBMIT